OperatiOn Manual
MODel tp7X
tile Saw
(electric MOtOr)
Revision #0 (03/04/11)
To find the latest revision of this
publication, visit our website at:
SilicOSiS/reSpiratOry warningS
Grinding/cutting/drilling of masonry, concrete, metal and
other materials with silica in their composition may give
off dust or mists containing crystalline silica. Silica is a
basic component of sand, quartz, brick clay, granite and
numerous other minerals and rocks. Repeated and/or
substantial inhalation of airborne crystalline silica can
cause serious or fatal respiratory diseases, including
silicosis. In addition, California and some other
authorities have listed respirable crystalline silica as a
substance known to cause cancer. When cutting such
materials, always follow the respiratory precautions
mentioned above.
Grinding/cutting/drilling of masonry, concrete, metal and
other materials can generate dust, mists and fumes
containing chemicals known to cause serious or fatal
injury or illness, such as respiratory disease, cancer,
birth defects or other reproductive harm. If you are
unfamiliar with the risks associated with the particular
process and/or material being cut or the composition of
the tool being used, review the material safety data
sheet and/or consult your employer, the material
manufacturer/supplier, governmental agencies such as
OSHA and NIOSH and other sources on hazardous
materials. California and some other authorities, for
instance, have published lists of substances known to
cause cancer, reproductive toxicity, or other harmful
Control dust, mist and fumes at the source where
possible. In this regard use good work practices and
follow the recommendations of the manufacturers or
suppliers, OSHA/NIOSH, and occupational and trade
associations. Water should be used for dust
suppression when wet cutting is feasible. When the
hazards from inhalation of dust, mists and fumes cannot
be eliminated, the operator and any bystanders should
always wear a respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for
the materials being used.
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 3
table Of cOntentS
tp7X tile Saw
Proposition 65 Warning ........................................... 2
Silicosis/Respiratory Warnings................................ 3
Table Of Contents.................................................... 4
Safety Information ................................................ 6-9
Specifications ........................................................ 10
Dimensions............................................................ 11
General Information............................................... 12
Saw Components ............................................. 14-15
Electric Motor Components/Set-Up....................... 16
Set-Up .............................................................. 17-20
Sawing Guides ............................................. 20-21
Operation.......................................................... 22-23
Maintenance..................................................... 24-27
Wiring Diagram (Electric Motor) ............................ 28
Troubleshooting (Blade)......................................... 30
Troubleshooting (Saw)........................................... 31
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 5
Safety infOrMatiOn
Do not operate or service the equipment before reading
the entire manual. Safety precautions should be followed
at all times when operating this equipment.
Failure to read and understand the safety
messages and operating instructions could
result in injury to yourself and others.
Potential hazards associated with the operation of this
equipment will be referenced with hazard symbols which
may appear throughout this manual in conjunction with
safety messages.
Safety Hazard
SaFeTy meSSageS
The four safety messages shown below will inform you
about potential hazards that could injure you or others.The
safety messages specifically address the level of exposure
to the operator and are preceded by one of four words:
Danger,WarnIng, CauTIon or noTICe.
Rotating parts hazards
Cutting and crushing hazards
Electric shock hazards
SaFeTy SymBoLS
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
WILL result in DeaTH or SerIouS InJury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
CouLD result in DeaTH or SerIouS InJury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
CouLD result in mInor or moDeraTe InJury.
Addresses practices not related to personal injury.
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Safety infOrMatiOn
generaL SaFeTy
„ This equipment should only be operated by trained and
qualified personnel 18 years of age and older.
„ never operate this equipment without proper protective
clothing, shatterproof glasses, respiratory protection,
hearing protection, steel-toed boots and other protective
devices required by the job or city and state regulations.
„ Whenever necessary, replace nameplate, operation and
safety decals when they become difficult read.
„ Manufacturer does not assume responsibility for any
accident due to equipment modifications. Unauthorized
equipment modification will void all warranties.
„ never use accessories or attachments that are not
recommended by Multiquip for this equipment. Damage
to the equipment and/or injury to user may result.
„ Avoid wearing jewelry or loose fitting clothes that may
snag on the controls or moving parts as this can cause
serious injury.
„ aLWayS know the location of the nearest
fire extinguisher.
„ never operate this equipment when not
feeling well due to fatigue, illness or when
under medication.
„ aLWayS know the location of the nearest
first aid kit.
„ never operate this equipment under the
influence of drugs or alcohol.
„ aLWayS know the location of the nearest phone or keep
a phone on the job site. Also, know the phone numbers
of the nearest ambulance,doctor and fire department.
This information will be invaluable in the case of an
„ aLWayS clear the work area of any debris, tools, etc.
that would constitute a hazard while the equipment is
in operation.
„ No one other than the operator is to be in the working
area when the equipment is in operation.
„ aLWayS check the equipment for loosened threads or
bolts before starting.
„ Do noT use the equipment for any purpose other than
its intended purposes or applications.
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 7
Safety infOrMatiOn
SaW SaFeTy
„ never operate the saw without blade
guards and covers in place. Exposure of
the diamond blade must not exceed 180
„ neveroperatetheequipmentinanexplosiveatmosphere
or near combustible materials. An explosion or fire could
result causing severe bodily harm or even death.
„ Verify the motor start switch is set to the OFF position
before installing a blade.
„ Accidental starting can cause severe injury
or death. aLWayS place the ON/OFF
switch in the OFF position.
„ aLWayS inspect blade before each
use. The blade should exhibit no cracks,
dings, or flaws in the steel centered core
and/or rim. Center (arbor) hole must be
undamaged and true.
„ Keep hands away from moving parts at all
„ never disconnect any emergency
or safety devices. These devices are
intended for operator safety. Disconnection of these
devices can cause severe injury, bodily harm or even
death. Disconnection of any of these devices will void
all warranties.
„ Use proper blades and follow blade manufacturer’s
recommendations. Match the blade RPM (blade shaft
RPM) to the recommended blade surface feet per minute
„ Ensure the blade-mounting bolt is tightened
„ aLWayS ensure saw is securely placed on appropriate
blocks or jackstands when maintenance requires
elevation of the saw.
„ aLWayS examine blade flanges for damage and
excessive wear.
„ Ensure the blade is marked with an operating speed
greater than the spindle speed of the saw.
„ If the machine malfunctions, stop the saw immediately
and secure it. Fix the problem as soon as possible.
„ Only cut the material that is specified for the diamond
blade. Read the specification of the diamond blade to
ensure the proper tool has been matched to the material
being cut.
„ aLWayS keep the machine in proper running condition.
„ Fix damage to machine and replace any broken parts
„ If wet cutting, ensure a WeT CuTTIng blade is being
used and that the water supply system to the blade is
properly functioning and being used.
„ Make sure there is no buildup of grease, oil or debris
on the machine.
„ Do noT drop the diamond blade on ground or
„ aLWayS store equipment properly when it is not being
used.Equipment should be stored in a clean, dry location
out of the reach of children and unauthorized personnel.
„ Ensure that the blade is mounted for proper operating
BLaDe SaFeTy
„ Adhere to the blade manufacturer’s recommendations
on handling, storage and safe usage of blades.
„ Rotating blade can cut and crush.aLWayS
keep hands and feet clear while operating
the saw.
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Safety infOrMatiOn
eLeCTrIC moTor SaFeTy
„ Operate electric motor only at the specified voltage
indicated on the nameplate.
„ never allow any person or animal to stand underneath
the equipment while lifting.
„ Do noT spray water onto electric motor.
„ Some saws are very heavy and awkward to move around.
Use proper heavy lifting procedures.
„ aLWayS disconnect AC power plug from power source
before moving saw, changing blade, or performing
„ Do noT lift machine to unnecessary heights.
„ never lift the equipment while the motor is running.
TranSporTIng SaFeTy
„ aLWayS make sure the ON/OFF switch
on the electric motor is in the OFF position
when not in use and before inserting the
saw’s power plug into an AC receptacle.
„ aLWayS shutdown motor before transporting.
power Cord/Cable Safety
„ aLWayS tie down equipment during transport by
securing the equipment with rope.
„ never let power cords or cables lay in water.
„ Ensurethatthediamondbladedoesnotcomeintocontact
with the ground or surface during transportation.
„ never use damaged or worn cables or cords when
connecting equipment to generator. Inspect for cuts in
the insulation.
„ never transport the saw to or from the job site with the
blade mounted.
„ never grab or touch a live power
cord or cable with wet hands. The
possibility exists of electrical shock,
electrocution or death.
envIronmenTaL SaFeTy
„ Dispose of hazardous waste properly.
Examples of potentially hazardous waste
are used motor oil, fuel and fuel filters.
„ Make sure power cables are securely
connected. Incorrect connections may
cause electrical shock and damage to the
„ Do noT use food or plastic containers to dispose of
hazardous waste.
„ Do noT pour waste, oil or fuel directly onto the ground,
down a drain or into any water source.
„ Ensure that cables and cords will not be tripped over or
trapped underneath the saw.
„ Never use the cable to pull out the plug from the power
„ aLWayS make certain that proper power or extension
cord has been selected for the job.
„ Protect the cable from heat, oil, and sharp edges.
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 9
Table 1. Saw Specifications
Blade Capacity
Blade rpm
7 in. (178 mm)
arbor Size
5/8 in. (15.875 mm)
Cast Aluminum
Blade guard
Blade Shaft Bearings
Cutting Head
Cast Aluminum, Adjustable
Aluminum with roller bearings, injected
molded rubber pad, transportation lock
Conveyor Cart
Drive System
max. Depth of Cut
Straight Cut
Diagonal Cut
1-3/4 in. (44.5 mm)
20 in. (508 mm)
14 in. (356 mm) x 14 in. (356 mm) Size Tile
Water pump
115V, 60 Hz — 230 GPH
55 lbs. (25 kg)
Table 2. electric motor Specifications
motor rpm
21,500 RPM
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Figure 1. Dimensions
Table 3. Dimension
reference Letter
31.9 in. (811 mm)
19.6 in. (49-8 mm)
20.4 in. (518 mm)
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 11
general infOrMatiOn
The TP7X is a powerful, robust saw designed to
professionally handle large-sized cuts on ceramics, stone,
and masonry materials.A sturdy steel precision frame and
easily removable ABS water tray provides overall durability
and longevity.
aCCeSSorIeS/repLaCemenT parTS
If desired, theTP7X tile saw can be equipped with a support
stand.This stand is ideal when the saw needs to be placed
on a secure reliable platform.
This saw is equipped with a trusted 1 HP electric motor that
operates on standard 115 V power and is designed with
thermal overload and fan air cover protection.
„ rugged portable Frame assembly — Sturdy steel
frame design with handles for easy transport.
An innovative water-cooled bearing assembly works in
conjunction with the water pump to keep key bearing
components running cooler.
„ electric Induction motor — UL/CSA approved 115 V
60 Hz, 1 HP electric motor with thermal overload and
fan cover protection.
The TP7X saw comes complete with premium blade and
high flow water pump.
„ Water Tray — Sturdy ABS water tray that is easily
removable for cleaning.
Dry CuTTIng appLICaTIonS
„ Cutting Table — Rugged cast aluminum table with
heavy-duty injected molded rubber padding and
extension table. Industrial ball bearing rollers ensure
smooth, precise cart movement.
TheTP7X tile saw is shipped from the factory for wet-cutting
saw applications, however it can be used for dry-cutting
saw applications.The most import thing to remember is to
disconnect the water pump. The water pump is cooled by
the flow of water, and failure to disconnect the pump (when
running dry) will cause pump failure.
„ Water pump — Powerful submersible pump provides
high volume water flow.
„ Water-Cooled Blade Shaft Bearing assembly — High
flow water circulating system designed to keep crucial
bearing components running cooler.
never have the water pump engaged when dry cutting
applications are involved.
„ Blade guard — Hardy cast guard with blade brushes
designed to evenly distribute water to the blade, and to
easily position for blade changes.
BLaDe appLICaTIonS
This saw has been designed to incorporate the use
of diamond blades as the cutting tool. The optimum
performance of this saw is best evidenced by using 7-inch
(178 mm) diamond blades that match the material being
cut. Ask your dealer, or call Multiquip about your specific
cutting application.
„ Diamond Blade — 7-inch (178 mm) premium tile blade
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Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 13
Saw cOMpOnentS
Figure 2. Saw Components
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Saw cOMpOnentS
Figure 2 shows the location of the basic components of
the TP7X saw. Listed below is a brief explanation of each
12. CuttingTable — Place material to be cut on this rubber
padded table. For ease of cutting, this table has been
placed on rails so that it can easily slide back and forth.
1. aCpowerCord—Plugthiscordintoa125VACreceptacle
when starting of the electric motor is required.
13. ruler Backstop — When cutting, place material
against backstop. Use measurement rail (ruler) to
determine where material is to be cut.
2. v-belt Cover — Remove this cover to access the drive
V-belt. never operate the saw with the V-belt cover
14. Stopper — Place stopper in water tray when filling
with water.
3. rubber Splash guard — Keeps water from splashing
from the blade.
15. Cutting Head adjustment Knob — Turn knob
clockwise to loosen and position cutting head to desired
height.Turn counterclockwise to tighten.
4. electric motor — This unit uses a 115V, 60 Hz, 1 HP
electric motor.
16. Water Tray — When wet cutting is required, fill with
clean fresh water. Make sure submersible pump is
totally immersed in water.
5. overcurrent Breaker Button — When a thermal
overload condition exists, press this button to reset the
breaker. Allow time for the electric motor to cool down
before reseting the breaker.
17. electric Water pump — The electric water pump for
this saw requires 115 VAC. Plug power cord of electric
water pump into AC receptacle located on conduit
box. never run pump dry. Pump must be immersed
in water.
6. Cutting Blade — This unit uses a 7-inch (178 mm)
premium diamond blade. Always use recommended
Multiquip cutting blades.When mounting of the cutting
blade is required, remove the spindle bolt and outside
blade flange.Align cutting blade with inside flange arbor
and reassemble spindle and outside blade flange.
18. Water Lines — Replace the clear vinyl tubing water
lines when they become brittle, worn or clogged.Water
kits are available through your Multiquip dealer.
7. power on/oFF Switch — To turn on the saw place
in the ON position. Place in the OFF position to shut
down the saw.
19. maintenanceWrench—Usethismulti-purposewrench
when performing maintenance or repairs on the saw.
20. masterguide Template Base — Mounts to ruler
backstop to ensures precision while making cuts.
8. Water pump power receptacle — Plug the water
pump power cord into this AC receptacle.
21. BearingHousing—Housespermanentlylubricatedball
bearings to allow motor shaft to rotate smoothly.
9. Blade guard — Protects the user from the cutting blade.
never operate the saw with the blade guard removed.
22. metal Frame Handles — There are two carrying
handles on each side of the saw. Grip these handles
when transporting of the the saw is required.
10. Blade guard adjustment Knob — Turn knob
clockwise to loosen and remove blade guard. Turn
counterclockwise to tighten.
11. Blade guard Brushes — Prevents foreign matter and
immediately when they become worn or damaged.
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 15
electric MOtOr cOMpOnentS/Set-up
3. Slide water pump onto U-shaped bracket located at
the bottom of the frame. See Figure 6.
eLeCTrIC moTor ComponenTS
Figure 3 shows the location of the components of the
electric motor.
115 VAC, 60 Hz
4. Slide cutting head onto the post. Secure cutting head
to the shaft using provided flat washer, lock washer and
nut. Attach cutting depth control knob and washers to
the cutting head through the slot located underneath
the belt guard. See Figure 4.
5. Mount blade guard onto shaft protruding from the side
of the cutting head. Secure the blade guard in place
using the provided serrated washer and blade guard
Figure 3. Electric Motor Components
SaW SeT-up
Whenever cleaning, adjusting or lubricating any part
of the saw, make certain to place the power ON/OFF
switch in the oFF position and disconnect the plug from
the power source.
Figure 4. Saw Assembly
6. If using the optional support stand, assemble as
described in the Support Stand Assembly section.
Make sure that the saw is secured on the support
stand as instructed.
1. Open the shipping container carefully, lift the saw by
its carrying handles and place it on a suitable table or
platform. Make sure the table or platform can support
the weight of the saw.
SupporT STanD aSSemBLy (opTIonaL)
Refer to Figure 5 for location of components.
1. Remove the folding stand from its box.
2. Make sure that the following items are found in the
„ Saw
„ Saw Blade
2. Swing the working bench upright. Open the two legs
and place the work bench on top of the folding stand.
„ Water Tray
„ Drain Plug
„ Universal Wrench
„ Water Pump
„ Owner’s Manual
3. After teh saw stand is assembled, seat the saw
securely on top of the stand.
„ MasterGuide Template
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6. Insertthewaterpumppowerplugintotheoutletreceptacle
on the electric motor conduit box as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 5. Support Stand Assembly
Figure 7. Water Pump Power Connection
ConneCTIngTHeWaTer pump
Refer to Figure 6.
Disconnect the pump before attempting to handle the
pump. never operate pump without water in the tray.
1. Place the pump into the middle of the water tray along
its side so that the water outlet is positioned horizontally.
2. Attach the water hose coming from the blade guard
and bearing housing to the water pump.
The above procedure is for wet cutting applications only.
never dry cut with the pump connected to an AC power
source. Running the pump dry will damage the pump.
3. Install drain plug in water tray.
4. Fill the water tray with clean fresh water. The water
pump intake must always be fully covered by water.
Also, keep the pump intake free of sludge, debris and
other materials that may accumulate in the tray.
5. Make certain that the water hose will not come in contact
with the blade or interfere with any moving parts.
Figure 6. Connecting the Water Pump
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 17
3. Directional arrow — Check to ensure that the blade is
of rotation “downcuts” with the turn of the shaft.
Failure to thoroughly inspect the blade for
operational safety could result in damage to
injury to the user or others in the operating
area.Inspect the blade flanges and shaft for
damage before installing the blade.
4. Diamond Segment or rim — Ensure that there are
no cracks, dings, or missing portions of the diamond
segment/rim. Do noT use a blade that is missing
a segment or a portion of the rim. Damaged and/or
missing segments/rims may cause damage to your saw
and injury to the user or others in the operating area.
5. Specifications — Ensure that the blade specifications,
size, and diameter properly match up to the sawing
may result in poor performance and/or blade damage.
6. arbor Hole — It is essential that the arbor hole
diameter properly matches the shaft arbor, and that it
is free from distortions. Correct blade flanges (collars)
must be used. The inside face of the flanges must be
clean and free of debris.An out of round arbor condition
will cause damage to the blade and the saw.
Blade Components
Diamond blades are recommended for your saw. Ask your
Multiquip dealer about your specific cutting application.
Figure 8 highlights the components of a diamond blade.
7. maX rpm —This RPM reference is the maximum safe
operating speed for the blade selected.never exceed
RPM is dangerous, and may cause poor performance
and may damage the blade. All blades used must be
designed for the maximum spindle RPM.
Cutting Depth
The recommended cutting depth is 1/4" (6 mm) below the
cutting table surface.To adjust the cutting depth, loosen the
cutting head adjustment knob so that the blade is 1/4" below
the top of the cutting table's surface.SeeTable 4 to determine
cutting depth by blade diameter.
Figure 8. Diamond Blade
1. Stress relief Holes (gullets) — Check the steel core
for cracks that may have propagated from the slots
and/or gullets. Cracks indicate extreme fatigue failure
and if sawing continues, catastrophic failure will occur.
Setting the blade too low may damage the cutting table
and if set too high, the blade may grab the material
being cut, causing damage and possibly injury.
2. edge of the Steel Core — Check the diameter edge for
discoloration (blue oxidation) indicating an overheating
condition caused by insufficient cooling water/air.
Overheating of blades may lead to loss of core tension
and/or increase the possibility for blade failure. Check
to make sure the steel core’s width is uniform about
the rim of the blade, and not succumbing to an “under
cutting” condition brought about by highly abrasive
material or improper under cutting core protection.
Table 4. Blade Diameter vs. Cutting Depth
Blade Diameter
Cutting Depth
7 in. (178 mm)
1-3/4 in. (44.5 mm)
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5. Loosen blade guard adjustment knob, lower the blade
guard, and retighten the knob.
Blade Installation
Refer to Figure 9 and the following instructions for installing
the blade.
6. Slightly loosen the cutting head adjustment knob, lower
the cutting head so that the blade is 1/4" (6 mm) below
the surface of the cutting table.Tighten the adjustment
knob firmly to hold the cutting head in place.
1. Loosen blade guard adjustment knob located at the
rear of the blade guard. Carefully raise the cutting
head to its highest position and secure it into place by
tightening the blade guard adjustment knob.
2. Remove the blade shaft nut and outer flange.If a blade
has been mounted, hold the blade with one hand and
use the other hand to loosen the nut with the universal
wrench. Remove existing blade.
3. Mount new blade, but make certain the arrow on the
blade coincides with the rotation direction of the shaft.
Ensure the capacity of the blade guard matches the
diameter of your cutting blade.
4. Attach outer flange and blade shaft nut.Hold the blade
with one hand and use the other hand to tighten the
nut with the universal wrench.Make certain the flanges
are pressed flush against the blade and that the nut is
firmly tighthened, but Do noT over tighten.
Figure 9. Blade Installation
See Table 5 for proper blade use guidelines.
Table 5. proper Blade use
Inspect blades daily for cracks or uneven wear.
Do not operate the saw without safety guards in place.
Do not operate the saw with blades larger than 7 in.
(178 mm)
Always use appropriate blades for material being cut.
Inspect arbor shaft for uneven wear before mounting
Do not cut dry with blades marked “Use Wet”.
Do not exceed manufacturer’s recommended
maximum RPM.
Always use blades with the correct arbor shaft size.
Ensure that blade is mounted in the correct
Do not force blade into material. Let blade cut at its
own speed.
Do not make long cuts with dry blades. Allow them
to air cool.
Use proper safety equipment when operating the saw.
Always have a continuous flow of water on both
sides of blade.
Do not use the edge or side of blade to cut or grind.
Do not attempt to cut a radius or curve.
Secure the blade to the arbor with a wrench.
Inspect segment blades for segment cracking or loss. Do not cut too deep or too fast into the material.
Do not cut any material not recommended by blade
Do not use damaged blades.
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 19
Set-up/Sawing guiDeS
4. Plug the free end of the extension cord into an AC power
receptacle. Whenever possible use a GFCI receptacle
(Figure 11) to reduce the risk of electrical shock.
ConneCTIngTHe poWer
1. Place the power ON/OFF switch (Figure 10) in the OFF
position (down).
2. Connect an extension cord of adequate current carrying
capacity to the power plug on the electric motor.
3. maKe CerTaIn that the correct size extension cord
is used. Undersized wires will burn out motors. Use
Table 6 to determine the correct extension cord size.
Table 6. extension Cord Sizes
25 ft
(7.6 m) (15. 2 m) (22.9 m)
50 ft
75 ft
Figure 11. GFCI Receptacle
SaWIng guIDeS
1 HP
No. 12
No. 10
No. 8
using the CuttingTable
115 VAC, 60 Hz
„ The ruler guide has inches and centimeters marked
along the top to allow convenient measurements and to
promote precision cuts. See Figure 12.
„ A rip guide should be used with the cutting table to ensure
precision while making cuts.
115/230 VAC
Figure 10. Extension Cord Connection
Figure 12. Cutting Table
never grab or touch a live
power cord with wet hands, the
possibility exists of electrical shock,
electrocution, and even death!
using the masterguideTemplate Base
1. Set the template base (Figure 12) by positioning it
on the desired dimension on the cutting table and
tightening the universal clamp to the table. Make sure
that the template base is firmly tightened.The template
base can be used for 90° rip cuts from both the left and
right side.The 45° diagonal cuts are quickly achieved
with the specially designed fitted notches on the
template base of 4", 6", 8" and 10"~14" tiles (Note the
specifically shown dimensions on each notch).
never use a damaged or worn
extension cable when connecting
to a power source.Defective cables may cause damage
to the saw’s electric motor or electrical shock.
aLWayS use a grounded (3-wire) extension cord
and maKe CerTaIn that the motor is connected to
a properly grounded electric circuit. If possible use a
ground fault circuit interrupter to protect the operator
from possible electric shock.
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Sawing guiDeS
2. After the template base is positioned for the desired
rip cut, place material flat against either side of the
template base at the desired measurement.
using the rip guide
1. Set the rip guide (Figure 12) at the desired location on
the ruler guide and tighten the threaded knob. Make
sure that the rip guide is firmly tightened to avoid
slippage. The rip guide can be used for 45° and 90°
2. After the rip guide is positioned, for the desired cut,
place material flat against the rip guide and ruler guide.
3. Now you are ready to make your cut.
performing Diagonal Cuts
1. Place the corner of the material in the open slot of the
measurement rail and adjust the template base to fit
the correct tile size.
2. Line up the material being cut with the appropriate
pre-marked lines on the cutting table.
3. Now you are ready to make your cut.
performing miter Cuts
Use the miter block to make miter cuts. See Figure 13.
1. Place the lip of the miter block on the ruler guide with
the threaded knob facing you.
2. Position the miter block such that a tile laying flat
against the block may rest its left-most edge within
the vertical channel of the cutting table. Tighten the
threaded knob to secure the miter block in place.
3. Place material onto miter block and you are ready to cut.
Figure 13. Miter Block
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 21
STarT-up proCeDure
never lift the blade guard while the blade
is rotating.The possibility exists of severe
bodily harm if fingers or hands come in
contact with the rotating saw blade. Wait
for the blade to stop rotating before lifting
the blade guard.
starting or attempting to operate the saw.
Before starting the saw’s electric motor
make sure that the Safety, General Information, and
Set-Up sections have been completed and understood.
Do noT proceed until the above mentioned sections
have been completed.
1. Place the material to be cut (Figure 14) on the cutting
table against the backstop.
aLWayS use the water feed system unless special dry
cut blades are being used. If dry cutting is required,
disconnect water pump.
aLWayS wear approved eye and hearing
protection before operating the saw.
Figure 14. Material Placement
never place hands or feet inside the belt
guard or blade guard while the motor is
performing any kind of maintenance
aLWayS be alert to the fact that there is a rotating
blade on the saw and be extremely aware of your body
position — especially your hands in relationship to the
rotating blade. The possibility exists of severe bodily
harm or even death if your body comes in contact with
the rotating saw blade.
never place hands and fingers near
the cutting blade. The possibility exists of
severe bodily harm if hands and fingers
come in contact with rotating saw blade.
2. Turn the power ON/OFF switch (Figure 15) to the ON
position with the blade away from the material to be
cut, the cutting blade should begin to rotate. Before
cutting remember to follow all safety rules referenced
in this manual.
aLWayS ensure that the cutting blade has
been mounted correctly.
never touch a live power cord with wet
hands.The possibility exists of electrical
shock, electrocution which could cause
severe bodily harm, even death.
Figure 15. Power ON/OFF Switch (ON)
page 22 —Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11)
3. Push the cutting table with the material, slowly and
evenly until the cut is complete. Move the cutting table
back and remove the cut pieces.
4. Avoid overloading the motor when cutting. However,
the electric motor is protected with a manual-reset
thermal overload switch that will turn the saw off if the
motor is overheated. In the event that the switch is
tripped, turn the “ON/OFF”switch to the “OFF”position
and allow the motor to cool before attempting to restart.
SHuT DoWn proCeDure
1. Place the power ON/OFF switch (Figure 16) in the OFF
position (down).
Figure 16. Power ON/OFF Switch (OFF)
2. Wait for the cutting blade to stop rotating.
3. Disconnect the saw's AC power cord from the power
source. never leave the saw connected to a power
source when unattended. This will prevent accidental
4. Using a soft cloth, clean any excess debris or residue
that may have accumulated on the saw.
5. Store saw in a clean dry location where it will be out
of the reach of children.
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 23
A good preventive maintenance program of regular
inspection and care will increase life and improve the
performance of the saw and cutting blades.
5. After each day's use, run clean water through the
water pump and water hoses.This extends pump and
blade life.
6. After cleaning, remove all covers and adhesive tape.All
screws or nuts which may have been loosened must
be retightened.
Whenever cleaning, adjusting, or lubricating any part of
the saw, maKe CerTaIn to do the following:
7. Check the spindle bolt for tightness periodically.
• Place power ON/OFF switch to the oFF position.
8. Keep the drive belt tight. It is very important to replace
worn belts as soon as possible.To adjust belt tension,
loosen the four (4) motor mounting bolts and remove
the belt guard. Tighten the adjusting nut on the back
of the motor plate to increase the tension. Proper belt
tension is 4-5 lbs. of force with approximately 3/16" of
belt deflection measured at a point midway between the
pulleys.Tighten the motor mounting bolts and reattach
the belt guard.
• Disconnect power cord from AC source.
• never attempt to check the V-belt with the engine
running. Severe bodily injury can occur.
BaSIC maInTenanCe
1. Tighten loose nuts or screws and replace any cracked
or broken parts.
2. Clean the machine frequently.Do noT use aggressive
cleaners (i.e. containing solvents). Do noT use high
high-pressure water jets, aggressive detergents or
solutions and liquids with a temperature exceeding
86°. Use a fluff-free cloth only. Use a cloth which may
be lightly moistened only for removing dust and dirt.
Hard packed dirt can be removed with a soft brush.
9. maKe CerTaIn that the cutting head is aligned
properly. Misalignment can adversely affect blade life.
10. The blade flanges must have a diameter of 4".
Undersized flanges will reduce blade life and cause
breakage. Therefore, they should be replaced at
11. Cutting blades must fit the arbor snugly. This is very
important with diamond blades as pounding will occur
and serious blade damage can result. If the arbor
shoulder of the inner blade flange is grooved from blade
slippage, the flange must be replaced.
Do noT let any water/cleaning liquid/vapor penetrate
into the electric motor, connectors/plugs, switches, etc.
Cover all apertures, holes in the housing, connectors
or plugs, etc, or seal them with adhesive tape.
Use a soft, low-pressure water jet and a brush to rinse
dirt and incrustations away.Be particularly careful when
near hazardous parts of the machine (e.g. switch,
motor). Clean the motor and switches only by wiping
with a moist cloth.
12. Inspect the cutting table periodically. Replace worn
13. Do noT “rinse” the bearings of the drive elements to
prevent them from running dry.The ball bearings of the
machine are permanently lubricated.
3. Remove the belt guard and clean the pulleys.The belts
and pulleys will wear rapidly if excessive dust builds up.
14. Replace the spindle bearings as soon as they begin to
make any strange noises. Worn bearings can destroy
blades very quickly.
4. Clean the sludge that accumulates on the bottom of
the water tray at least once a day and refill with clean
water. It may be necessary to clean the tray out twice
a day in heavy cutting.The sludge is abrasive and will
shorten the life of the water pump and blades.
15. Grease pivot bearings periodically.
page 24 —Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11)
„ Check that the immersion pump works properly. Turn
on the cooling water tap and switch the machine on. If
the pump does not give any water or only a little, switch
the machine off at once. Clean the pump, or replace if
maInTenanCe InTervaLS
Use the following guidelines to perform maintenance on
your saw.
after every use of the machine
ambient temperature below 32°F / 0°C (operation
in winter)
„ Remove dirty water from container.
„ Remove dirt and mud from the bottom of the container.
„ To prevent the water in the pump and cooling system
from freezing, remove the water after using the machine
or when there will be a long break. Make sure that the
cooling system is entirely drained so that there is no
water left inside the pump and water hose.
„ Rinse the immersion pump with fresh water to prevent
water pump clogging from residual dirt.
after wet cleaning and before using the machine
„ Connect the machine to an electric power outlet
equipped with a“GFCI”safety power breaker.If the safety
power breaker cuts off the electrical power supply, do
not try to operate the machine but have it checked by
an authorized dealer first.
Refer to Figure 17.
Lift the saw up from inside the water tray.
1. Remove the drain plug and drain any water left inside
the water tray.
Before not using the machine for a prolonged
period of time
2. Flush water into tray while holding it upright to remove
any sludge buildup.
„ Clean and lubricate all movable parts. Do noT grease
guide rails.
3. Replace the saw back into the water tray.
after not using the machine for a prolonged period
of time
„ Check that the stand is safely fixed.
„ Check that all screw joints and nuts are fixed.
„ Check that the cutting table is seated properly on the
guide rails and that it easily moves along the entire
length of the rails.
„ With the saw blade removed, switch on the motor for an
instant and switch it off again. If the motor does not run,
have the machine inspected by a qualified electrician.
Figure 17. Water Tray Removal
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 25
7. To reassemble, follow steps in reverse order.
WaTer pump maInTenanCe
When the machine has not been used for a long period of
time, hard packed dirt may build up inside the pump and
block the pump wheel.
If the machine is activated with the immersion pump
blocked, the electric motor will be damaged within a
few minutes!
Please follow the steps below to clean the pump before
operating the saw.
1. Remove the immersion pump from the water container.
2. Clean the immersion pump.
Figure 18. Belt Replacement
3. Loosen the fixing screws of the pump lid.
CuTTIng HeaD removaL
4. Take the lid off the pump (be careful not to damage or
lose the gasket underneath)
To remove the cutting head, see Saw Set-Up and Figure 4
and perform the steps in reverse.
5. Clean the pump lid.
6. Remove all dirt and incrustations from the pump wheel.
7. Check whether the pump wheel can be easily turned.
BearIng HouSIng removaL
To remove the bearing housing (Figure 19), perform the
8. Reassemble the immersion pump and check that it
works properly.
1. Follow steps 1-6 of the Belt Replacement Section.
BeLT repLaCemenT
2. Remove the blade lock nut and remove the blade (if
there is one present.)
To replace the belt (Figure 18) perform the following.
1. Turn off and unplug the saw.
3. Remove the precaution label and loosen the 4 screws
at the front of the cutting head. Remove the bearing
housing and inner flange.
2. Loosen and remove the belt guard sccrews and take
off the belt guard.
3. Loosen the 6 nuts on the cutting head’s supporting arm.
4. Leave the blade in position, and use your hand to hold
the blade shaft tightly.Now loosen the pulley lock screw
on the rear of the motor pulley shaft.
5. Carefully loosen the pulley and belt outward slightly,
so there is a little slack in the belt.
6. Take off the old belt and replace with a new one.
page 26 —Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11)
Figure 19. Bearing Housing Removal
BearIng HouSIng InSTaLLaTIon
To install a new bearing housing, perform the following:
1. Make sure that the old housing has been properly
2. Unpack the new bearing housing and place the flat
portion face-down on a towel situated on a flat surface.
3. Secure the cutting head in a in a completely horizontal
4. Slide the new bearing housing with the flat portion
facing upwards onto the 4 screws located below the
mounting plate. Take care not to damage the inner
flange. Lock the bearing housing into place by using
the brackets and nuts.
5. Pull the motor towards you, place the belt on the
pulleys, and tighten the motor position adjustment
screw. Be sure to leave some slack on the belt.
6. Align the belt by adjusting the motor pulley after
loosening the hex screw.
Do not adjust the bearing housing pulley.
7. After aligning the belt, tighten the hex screw.
8. Replacethebeltguardandlockintoplaceusing4screws.
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 27
wiring DiagraM (electric MOtOr)
Power Outlet for Water Pump
Power Cable
Wiring Box
Figure 20. Electric Motor Wiring Diagram
page 28 —Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11)
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 29
trOubleShOOting (blaDe)
Table 7. BladeTroubleshooting
possible problem
Return saw blade to manufacturer
Have the saw blade aligned/flattened
Chean the receiving flange
Replace saw blade.
Irregular run of the saw blade
Poor tension in the blade material
Saw blade is damaged or bent
Saw blade wobbles when running
Flange of the saw blade is damaged
Shaft of the motor is bent
Replace the saw blade flange
Replace the electric motor
Overheating of the saw blade; cooling water
not sufficient
Diamond segment becomes loose
Excessive wear
Replace saw blade.
Wrong type of saw blade
Shaft of motor causes wobbling
Use harder saw blade
Have motor or bearings of motor replaced
Ensure optimum flow of cooling water
Use softer blade
Saw blade too hard
Cracks in or near diamond segment
Fixed flange is worn out
Motor shaft bearing
Have fixed flange replaced
Replace the bearing of the motor shaft
Saw blade type is unsuitable for the material
being cut
Saw blade type is unsuitable for the machine Use appropriate type of saw blade
Saw blade is blunt
Saw blade too hard
Diamond segments are blunt
Replace saw blade.
Poor tension in the blade material
Too much load placed on saw blade
Diamond segments are blunt
Return saw blade to manufacturer
Use a suitable saw blade
Replace saw blade.
Appearance of cut is not optimal
Arbor of the saw blade must be fitted with an
appropriate adapter ring
Center hole in saw blade has become wider
due to wear
Saw blade has slipped on the motor shaft
when running
Check the receiving flange and have it
replaced if necessary
Saw blade overheating due to lack of cooling
Ensure optimum flow of cooling water
Saw blade shows blooming colors
Grinding marks on the saw blade
The material feed is too high; proceed more
Lateral friction when cutting
Ensure that the direction of the feed is
absolutely parallel to the saw blade
Material is not being fed parallel to saw blade
Adjust roller table
Poor tension in blade material
Too much load on the saw blade
Have the saw blade tensioned
The material feed is too high; proceed more
page 30 —Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11)
trOubleShOOting (Saw)
Table 8. SawTroubleshooting
possible problem
Check that the machine is properly
connected to the power supply
Power cord not properly fixed/plugged in
Have the power cord checked, replace if
Power cord defective
Have the main power switch checked and
replaced if necessary by a qualifed electrician
Machine does not run when switched on
Main power switch defective
Loose electrical connection inside the electric Have the whole electric system of the
machine checked by a qualified electrician
Have the motor checked and replaced if
necessary by a qualified technician
Motor defective
Too much pressure exerted while cutting
Incorrect specification for saw blade
Exert less pressure when cutting
Use a saw blade which corresponds to the
material being cut
Motor stops (power cuts out)
Have the electric system of the saw checked
by a qualified technician
Saw has a defective electric system
Use a power cord/extension cable of the
rated length, use a cable drum with cable
fully extended
Power cord/extension cable too long or cable
still wound up inside cable drum
Observe the electrical ratings of the machine
and connect it only to a power network which
complies with these ratings
Poor machine performance, little power
Power network is insufficient
Drive motor no longer runs at rated speed
Have the motor checked by a qualified
electrician and replace if necessary
The water pump draws air
Fill the water tray with water
Insufficient flow of cooling water or no cooling Filter clogged
water at all
Clean the filter of the water pump
Pump wheel of the immersion pump is
blocked by dirt
Disassemble the immersion pump and clean it
Tp7XTILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11) — page 31
OperatiOn Manual
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The information and specifications included in this publication were in effect at the time of approval for printing. Illustrations, descriptions, references and technical data contained in
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